(Video) Breathwork for Stress Relief (2 Minutes)

Have you consciously breathed today?

I ask my students this frequently, and the answer is almost always a resounding ‘no.’
I really get it. I don’t do it enough either. But when I do, I’m reminded of what a powerful tool it is. The breath really is life.

Prioritizing time to breathe with conscious control is not an easy task. Not only do we not make time for ourselves in general, breathwork is difficult. It’s not for the faint of heart. It requires focus, a solid relationship with discomfort, and a tremendous amount of vulnerability. Crying, laughing, vomiting, shaking, and dizziness are all common experiences (not always — this very much depends on the person!), but the result can be life changing.

In my practice and learning of breathwork, I’ve found that short exercises can be just as effective as a typical breathwork session (which is usually between 30-60 minutes). While the aftermath of a short breathing sequence may not be as electric as a longer session, it still does the very thing we want it to do: it changes our energetic state.

Lots of things do this! High intensity workouts, meditation practice, psychedelic experiences (to name a few) all change the chemistry in our brain to make us feel differently. And when we feel differently, we respond to the world that way.

Think about it: When you’re feeling stressed, how do you respond to things that happen to you?

We all know the old adage of “sleeping on it,” and it’s a great example of how humans either react or respond depending on how they’re feeling.

When you’re feeling at peace, how do you respond to things that happen to you?

Breathwork can change how you feel. All you need to start is 2 minutes.

This isn’t about making drastic shifts right away. Starting with 2 minutes helps you commit to a daily practice. Daily. Practice. You will never change your life until you change your daily routine.

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Ready to give it a try?

Let’s start with a simple breathing pattern. And because breathwork has been passed down for thousands of years, this one has many names — 4 Part Breath, Box’ Breathing, ‘Square’ Breathing, Samma Vritti.

Get comfy & follow along:


*Note: If you’re pregnant or have a medical condition, please consult your doctor before participating in this exercise.

Practice everyday.

Practice showing up for yourself.
Practice making a commitment to take 2 minutes for you.
Practice feeling uncomfortable.
Practice gratitude for your life giving breath.
Practice taking responsibility for changing you feel.

Start with 3 days in a row. Then 4. Then 5. And watch as things start to shift in your energy state.

I hope you enjoy this practice — thank you for breathing with me!

With love,

If you enjoy this practice, let me know!